Blog di letteratura, storia, arte e critica cinematografica e televisiva. I racconti e i romanzi contenuti in questo blog sono opere di fantasia o di fanfiction. Gli eventi narrati e i personaggi descritti, esclusi quelli di rilevanza storica, sono del tutto immaginari. Ogni riferimento o somiglianza a persone o cose esistenti o esistite, o a fatti realmente accaduti, è da considerarsi puramente casuale. Gli elementi di fanfiction riguardano narrazioni di autori molto noti e ampiamente citati.
martedì 10 giugno 2014
Airone cinerino e sotto un Kiwi (Apteryx) - a national symbol of New Zealand
Donna tibetana che nutre alcune marmotte
Game of Thrones fan art
La battaglia presso la Barriera.
Jon Smow e Tyrion Lannister
At the end of Game of ThronesSeason 4, Episode 9, “The Watchers on the Wall,” Jon Snow (Kit Harington) made the decision to venture beyond the Wall to meet with Mance Rayder, and kill him. It’s a suicide mission. As Sam points out, even if Jon gets to Mance, and kills him, he will also be killed. Jon knows this, but after everything that’s just happened, he just doesn’t seem to care.
“He’s a dead man walking,” Kit Harington tells TVLine about Jon.“Whatever emotion he did have is so distorted by what he feels he has to do at the end of Episode 9. I think he doesn’t expect to live. The thing about Jon is, every season, he’s walking the green mile to his death sentence, yet he keeps surviving. He’s used to it by this point, but this is such a low point for him. He’s so broken by everything that has happened in Episode 9 that I really didn’t think of emotions with it, really.”
Having Ygritte die in his arms seems to have affected Jon’s emotional core as well, with the character displaying a more hardened heart moving forward. “[Jon’s] very different after Ygritte's death,” Kit reveals to TV Guide. “You'll see in Episode 10 that her death changes him. He hardens all the way through. He's a very different person from how he was in Season 1. He's learning very tough lessons. He's always been practical, but he was a warm-hearted person. What I wanted to change in him was that warmness inside of him is gone. He's kind of stone-cold after that.”
lunedì 9 giugno 2014
Dream world
Sopra, Paolo e Francesca, sotto, scultura in bronzo di F. Auguste Rodin 1840-1917
In un mondo dei sogni non poteva mancare lei...
e non poteva mancare un gatto... ci vuole sempre, un gatto, da qualche parte!
e anche un bel chiaro di luna...
o una valle di elfi e funghi in stile "Notizie dall'Amiata" di E. Montale
poteva poi mancare un dolce, affiancato da un centrotavola floreale?
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