sabato 5 luglio 2014

Corone e gioielli

Crown of Emperor Otto III, Holy Roman Empire (ca. 1100; gold, precious stones, seed pearls). Essen Cathedral Treasury, Essen.

Sotto, nell'ordine: la corona dell'impero austriaco, dell'impero tedesco, dell'impero russo, del regno d'Ungheria e nella quarta riga quelle del Regno Unito e dell'impero britannico.

Cover of the famous Carolingian Gospel Codex Aureus of Sankt Emmeram. Made in ca. 870 at the Palace of Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Bald. Emperor Charles the Bald donated it to Arnulf of Carinthia who donated it 
to the Sankt Emmeram Abbey.

1) Nenya, ring of Galadriel; 2) The Light of Earendil; 3) Narya, ring of Cirdan and then of Gandalf;
4) Elf Leaf  5) Vilya, ring of Elrond; 6) The Key of Erebor

Royal Arms of France with the Orders of Saint-Michel and Saint-Esprit FRANCE circa 1815 at the period of Charles X King of France and Navarre

Codex Charlemagne

Coronation of an idealized king, depicted in the Sacramentary of Charles the Bald (about 870)

Rosalie's Moon

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