Testo canzone "Mr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" di Armando Trovajoli
Sigla iniziale e finale del film "Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora"
(Ritornello introduttivo)
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mister Jekyll Mister Hyde
Are you coming for a ride?
There's no time to waste or save in conversation
When the moon is in the sky
can you feel the firing bright?
You were right to make a speedy trasformation
Mister Jekyll Mister Hyde
when .... ..... are inside
come a long .... .... ..... a wish unnamed.
When it's ......
when you Mr Compagnia love milady
Good thing coming away
you won everyday
Don't say you were
you should be if you try
You can fly, if you try
(Ritornello introduttivo)
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mr Hyde or Mr Jekyll who are you?
Mister Jekyll Miste Hyde
Please don't let it
there meaning are to see you do
If you'r lookng for a while
you taking in the
you see stucking
Ottimo ,grazie.