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giovedì 3 luglio 2014
Storia di Westeros 2. L'età degli eroi
A Mapped History of A Song of Ice and Fire. Part II
(by HotbrownDoubleDouble)
ca. 10, 000 - 8,000 years before Aegon’s Conquest
An era during the history of Westeros, which would be named so later for the great men and women who live in the years of peace and prosperity following the forging of the Pact. The Pact endures for nearly four thousand years, and in that time, the children of the forest and the First Men grow closer. In time, the First Men set aside many of their cultural differences to embrace the ways and customs of the children of the forest. With the exception of the Drowned God of the Iron Islands and the Lady of the Waves and Lord of the Skies of the Three Sisters, the gods of the children become those of the First Men.
Many of the noble houses of Westeros today trace their lineage back to the Age of Heroes.
House Stark
House Stark is believed to have descended from Bran the Builder, a legendary figure from the Age of Heroes, who raised their ancestral home at Winterfell thousands of years in the past, as well as the Wall.
House Greyiron
For centuries, the High King of the Isles had been chosen between the lords and captains of the Iron Islands in a kingsmoot. Urron Greyiron descended with his axemen among the ironborn assembled on Nagga's Bones, murdering all their opponents and proclaiming himself king.
Urron also made the position hereditary, so at his death the Seastone Chair passed to his heir instead of being chosen.
House Lannister
Through the female line the Lannisters boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes, who became the first King of the Rock, after tricking the members of House Casterly into giving him Casterly Rock.
House Gardener
The Gardeners claimed descent from Garth Greenhand from the Age of Heroes. According to legend, he wore a crown of vines and flowers and made the land bloom.
House Durrandon
House Durrandon was the house of the Storm Kings. According to legend, in the Age of Heroes, the first Storm King, Durran, won the love of Elenei, the daughter of the sea god and the goddess of the wind. Her divine parents forbade their love, but Durran and Elenei wed despite them. The gods’ wrath was terrible to behold, destroying Durran's keep on his wedding night, killing all his family and guests. Enraged, Durran declared war on the gods, who replied by hammering his kingdom with massive storms. Each time King Durran built a castle to face the sea the gods destroyed it.
King Durran persisted building larger and more powerful fortifications, until finally, the seventh castle stayed in place and resisted the storms of Shipbreaker Bay. Some believe this is because the children of the forest took a hand in its construction; others believe that a young boy who grew up to be Bran the Builder, advised Durran on its construction. The truth of the matter is unknown.
House Mudd
The Mudds once ruled as Kings of the Rivers and the Hills from a castle along the Blue Fork whose ruins are now called Oldstones. They were the last of the First Men to rule the Trident, reigning for over a thousand years.
House Darklyn
The Darklyns had been petty kings of the First Men during the Age of Heroes. Their closest allies were their bannermen of House Hollard, who served them loyally and provided brides three times for the Darklyn kings of old.
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