Simboli celtici e loro significato

10_15_Celtic-symbols Celtic Symbols

S_Awen-WM_symbols1 Celtic SymbolsThe Awen is a Celtic word meaning inspiration or essence. The Awen symbol represents inspiration or divine illumination. More here
Brigids-cross-symbol1 Celtic SymbolsBrigid’s Cross has come to be known as the cross of St Brigid but is actually much older than Christianity. More here
celtic-cross-symbols1 Celtic SymbolsCeltic Cross is a symbol of both culture and faith that has inspired many legends. More here
claddagh-ring-symbols Celtic SymbolsCladdagh Ring – symbolises love, loyalty and friendship. More here
Easterlily1 Celtic SymbolsEaster Lily – a mark of respect for Irish nationalists who have died in battle, and a symbol of hope and peace for the future. More here
green_man_symbols Celtic SymbolsThe Green Man is an ancient Celtic symbol that symbolises the coming of Spring and represents rebirth and vegetation. More here
harp-symbols1 Celtic SymbolsHarp – ancient instrument and a national emblem of Ireland. More here
shamrock-symbols Celtic SymbolsShamrock – national flower of Ireland that has had significance in the country since the days of the Druids. More here
S_Single-Spiral-2_symbols Celtic SymbolsSpiral – common natural pattern and to the Celts it represents the sun or the radiation of ethereal energy. More here
tree-of-life-symbols Celtic SymbolsTree of Life symbolises a connection to the other world. More here
triquetra-symbols Celtic SymbolsTriquetra – also known as the Trinity Knot, it symbolises an eternal spiritual life. More here
triskele-symbols Celtic SymbolsTriskele – one of the most ancient Irish symbols, over 5,000 years old. Represents the Celtic belief that everything happen in threes. More here


Castle of Gruyeres, Switzerland 

La Rochepot Castle, France 

Lough Key, Ireland 

Mir Castle, Belarus 

Castello di Niedzica noto anche come Castello di Dunajec , Polonia

Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark 

Kamianets Podilskyi Castle è un antico castello lituano 

venerdì 29 maggio 2015