Mirabilia orbis

Kremlin no Izmaylovo. Foto Vitalij Semenov. 

And this week we're back in Poznan! Here, love locks on the Vine bridge from our previous visit. Looking forward to experiencing a more summery spirit in Poznan this week! Let us know your recommendations 

The cloister at the Hieronymites Monastery. Lisbon. Portugal. 

The Royal Palace of Aranjuez (Spanish: Palacio Real de Aranjuez) is a residence of the King of Spain, located in the town of Aranjuez, Community of Madrid, Spain. The palace is open to the public as one of the Spanish royal sites.

It was commissioned by Philip II and designed by Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera, who also designed El Escorial. It was completed during the reign of Ferdinand VI by the mid-18th century; Charles III had two wings added to it.

Ora dalla Spagna ci spostiamo alla Francia

E poi verso sud, ad Amalfi

Cefalonia, Grecia

Kusma-gyadi Bridge, Nepal

New York vista dall'alto

Montagne rocciose

Oceano indiano

Campagna francese




Airone cinerino e sotto un Kiwi (Apteryx) - a national symbol of New Zealand

Donna tibetana che nutre alcune marmotte